
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

KATSURAGI INDUSTRY CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “KATSURAGI INDUSTRY”) fully recognizes the importance of protecting personal information and complies with the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” and other applicable laws and regulations. In order to properly collect and manage personal information provided by you, we have established the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”) in accordance with laws and regulations, and we are dedicated to handling personal information responsibly.

Handling of Personal Information of the Individual

1. Definition of Personal Information

Personal information is defined by law as information that can identify a specific individual, such as name, address, date of birth, gender, telephone number, e-mail address, and includes personal identification codes.

2. Acquisition and Use of Personal Information

KATSURAGI INDUSTRY will not use deceptive or other wrongful means to acquire personal information, and will clarify the purpose of use and, in principle, obtain personal information based on your consent.

In addition, KATSURAGI INDUSTRY will not use personal information in a manner that may encourage or induce illegal or inappropriate conducts.

3. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

KATSURAGI INDUSTRY will publicly disclose the purpose of use of personal information provided by customers, business partners, applicants for employment, employees, etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Individual”) on our website in advance. When we ask you to provide us with your personal information in writing or on our website, we will clearly indicate one of the purposes of use, and we will handle your personal information within the scope of this purpose of use.

If KATSURAGI INDUSTRY changes the purposes of use described below within a reasonable scope that is relevant to the purposes of use before the change, we will publicly announce and clarify the purpose of use after the change.

Purposes of Use of Personal Information

Personal information will be used within the scope of one of the following purposes:

(1) To provide products, goods, and services (including maintenance and after-sales service, the same hereinafter) ordered by customers

(2) To send materials and catalogs related to products, goods, business activities, etc.

(3) To provide information on products, goods, services, and various events by direct mail, e-mail (including e-mail magazines), etc.

(4) To obtain opinions from customers for use in products, goods, and services

(5) To respond to questions, opinions, and requests from customers

(6) To contact customers regarding the sale of our products and services

(7) To communicate with business partners and to perform tasks entrusted by business partners

(8) To provide personal information to third parties within the scope specified in “4. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties”

(9) For business administration and employment management of KATSURAGI INDUSTRY and Katsuragi Group companies

(10) To calculate and pay salaries, and to perform procedures for taxes, social insurance, etc.

(11) Recruitment activities, post-employment personnel and safety management, and related operations of KATSURAGI INDUSTRY and Katsuragi Group companies

(12) Use of internal information systems within the Katsuragi Group companies

(13) For other business activities incidental or related to the above items

In cases where the purpose of use of personal information is specifically stipulated and described in the document or on our website, etc., in which personal information is provided by the Individual, such purpose of use is included within the scope of our intended use of personal information.

4. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

KATSURAGI INDUSTRY will not disclose or provide personal information provided by the Individual to any third party, except under the following circumstances:

  • When the consent of the Individual has been obtained
  • When the information is used jointly within the scope of the purpose of use
  • When providing personal information to subcontractors within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use
  • When required by law

5. Joint Use of Personal Information

KATSURAGI INDUSTRY may jointly use personal information among our group companies as follows for the purpose of conducting business management operations conducted in an integrated manner within the Katsuragi Group, as well as for the purpose of providing customers and business partners with information on products and services, and making decisions on such matters.

  • Items of personal data

Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, gender, date of birth, and all other personal data of the Individual held by Katsuragi Group companies

  • Scope of group companies with which personal data will be shared

Each company of the Katsuragi Group. For details of Katsuragi Group, please refer to the following link.


  • Purposes of use by persons who jointly use the information

Same as the purpose of use described in “3. Purpose of Use of Personal Information”

  • Person responsible for personal data management


5-4-6, Minamitsumori, Nishinari-ku, Osaka, 557-0063, Japan

President Toshiro Satake

6. Outsourcing of Personal Information to Third Parties

KATSURAGI INDUSTRY may outsource the handling of personal information to a third party to the extent necessary for the purpose of use of personal information.

In such cases, KATSURAGI INDUSTRY will oblige the third party to handle personal information in a necessary and appropriate manner by contract or other means, and will supervise them accordingly.

7. Compliance with Laws and Regulations Regarding the Protection of Personal Information

KATSURAGI INDUSTRY will comply with all laws, regulations, national guidelines, and other norms related to the protection of personal information.

8. Security Measures for Personal Information

KATSURAGI INDUSTRY will take necessary and appropriate security control measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal data, and will strive to improve such measures.

Specifically, the measures are as follows:

  • Establishment of an organizational structure to implement security control measures
  • Establishment of rules and regulations concerning the protection of personal information, and their application in accordance with such rules and regulations
  • Ensure that all employees are familiarized with the handling of personal data.
  • Incorporation of matters related to the confidentiality of personal information into employment regulations, etc.
  • Encryption when carrying electronic media containing personal data, etc.

9. Revisions to the Policy

KATSURAGI INDUSTRY may revise all or part of this policy as deemed necessary by us due to changes in laws and regulations.

Revised provisions shall become effective when uploaded to our website.

10. Inquiries Regarding Personal Information

If you believe that KATSURAGI INDUSTRY is not abiding by this policy, if you wish to have your personal information disclosed, corrected, added or deleted, or to have its use suspended (including suspension of provision to a third party) or its record of provision to a third party disclosed, or if you have any complaints regarding the handling of personal information (including complaints from claimants against our measures for disclosure, and complaints regarding the creation or other handling of anonymized personal information or pseudonymized personal information), please contact the following for inquiries regarding our handling of personal information.

General Affairs Department, KATSURAGI INDUSTRY CO., LTD.

Address: 5-4-6, Minamitsumori, Nishinari-ku, Osaka, 557-0063, Japan

TEL: +81-6-6659-2432

FAX: +81-6-6658-3789
