

  • Food
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Battery

Vacuum Agitating Dryer


Vacuum drum dryer has the mechanism of the general atmospheric drum dryers, which is incorporated in the vacuum chamber, allowing continuous operation under the functional reduced pressure.
As a matter of course, devices accompanying the main unit play important roles because the dryer is operated under reduced pressure. Since drying is performed at low temperature, low-pressure steam or hot water is often used as the heat source.

Main Features

  • Since drying is performed under vacuum, temperature difference between the heat-transfer area and treated material can be large.
  • Since the treated material directly contacts the heat-transfer surface while it is being agitated and crushed, uniform dried products can be obtained efficiently.
  • Since it can be operated under high vacuum (low temperature) by selecting a shaft sealing type, it is suitable for drying materials which are subject to air oxidation or deterioration by high temperatures.
  • It can be used for materials whose vapors have hazardous properties or solvents.
  • Flying of powder is fewer compared to the hot air drying method.
  • Hot water, steam, and heat-transfer oil can be used as the heat source.
  • When handling materials which are easy to adhere and become a dough or massive form, the drying speed can be accelerated and the rotational resistance can be reduced by inserting a ball or round bar.

Test machines

Test machines specifications

ModelSpecial paddle type (Kantaro vane))
Capacity20 liters
Heat-transfer areaJacket 0.34 m2
Shaft, vane 0.45 m2
Working pressureVacuum in the drum
Shaft rotation speed10 ~ 40rpm